Laurie has closed her coaching business as of March 2020.
Please visit with her at


After just one session of EFT with Laurie, my anxiety surrounding a particular life change was drastically reduced. Laurie's empathy, coupled with her very practical approach to uncovering the causes for my fears, was incredibly effective.  I still feel peaceful when thinking about my upcoming life change several weeks after our session.  I strongly recommend an EFT session with Laurie to anyone looking for relief from anxiety.


Laurie is a curious, gentle guide in the EFT session. Her inquisitive ease helped to create a safe experience. I was amazed at the evolution of answers that were revealed through her mirroring and asking.

The result from one EFT session is a noted release of physical stuckness and lessened pain in my shoulder. I am making progress to restore fluidity and the EFT process with Laurie has helped immensely. Laurie embodies bighearted passion for EFT and the results that are possible for you.   



What a difference a couple of months make.  I actually think of you often and have talked to others about the meridian tapping. I am feeling much calmer and am truly starting to enjoy my new job.



Thanks for listening! I appreciate and value the guidance and advice from you. It helps me "take off into the sunset".



When I first started coaching with you you said you saw me traveling and teaching internationally. I see it and feel it starting to happen. I've broken through the shame and the "stay small" attitude and am now charging $1,000 a day for my services. Thank you so much.



I just wanted to let you know that after I saw you I kept having these intense feelings like someone needed my help and two weeks later, I got a job! I was feeling good about doing my "paper work" but felt like there was a reason I didn't need to, and didn't know why. My reason is two of the sweetest seniors! I have been hired for 16 hours a week, 3 days a week, doing cooking, cleaning, organizing, shopping and massaging their sore necks. It is perfect for me and is just what I wanted!  Thank you for helping me open up to this possibility. I use EFT all the time now and my direction sheet hangs on my fridge!



Claiming who we are, who we can be (who we are meant to be?) takes so much courage, and time. I am so grateful to know you in this process, to be the recipient of your compassion and generosity, and to witness your amazing unfolding as I gradually unfold myself. Thank you for all you do.



I am still doing EFT each morning and I am feeling so much better - thank you, thank you, thank you :)



When we first worked together doing EFT you hit on a motif that was emblematic of my whole childhood. The healing has been very powerful. Thank you so much.



Laurie, many thanks for this morning.  Your insight and love are healing.



Laurie, I am so glad that I listened to my intuition and went to the retreat where I was able to meet you. Amazing how God continues to provide the teacher when the student is ready. Thank you for helping me, your gentle and focused direction is just what I need.



Much of my success in building my art career has been due to the coaching I have received from you.



I'm thanking you from the bottom of my heart for being such an important part of my destiny. Your compassion and unselfish heart has accomplished much healing on your journey and the world is be a better place for you having been here."



I refer my friends and clients to you because you're wonderful and such a gracious helper in the world!


Laurie, I've decided to increase the amount of money I give you.  When I hired you as a coach to help me with my business, I didn't know you were going to heal my soul too!



I was on an awesome call about EFT Meridian Tapping with Laurie Phillips - Radical Self Care at Work. Thanks Laurie!



You're such a natural at teaching EFT. I began to feel serene within minutes of having you demonstrate this technique to me. It had an immediate, as well as lasting, effect on the issue which we addressed. Thanks again, Laurie.



Bless you, bless you, bless you, bless you. I would never be in this place if you were not in my life, Laurie.



I'm living my dream out here in LA because of Laurie Phillips! I'm prepping for a performance and going to see a Kazak movie at the Hammer. Heaven.



Laurie, thank you for starting me on my journey to finding inner peace and making myself a guilt-free priority.



Silliness, laughter and gratitude all wrapped up in one. Almost as good as a funny hat! Thank you.



Dear Laurie, thanks for all your help and support. I'm fortunate to have you.



Had my first EFT session with the masterful Laurie Phillips this week — what a powerful healing process for internal shifting.



Laurie, I feel like saying an extra thank you for giving me a full session even though the phone-problem was on my end.
You're such an angel, and I am so grateful for how much I benefit from our sessions. Bless you!



I went from single mom to millionaire. I successfully retired and created healthy closure around leaving my position. Laurie's coaching helps me remember that every day is a gift and to get the most out of every moment. I just built a house on the beach and love soaking in the hot tub while looking up at the stars. Before coaching, baby steps on personal growth. After coaching, long, satisfying strides. Coaching helps keep my growth alive.



Thanks for the session. I felt amazing the next day, like I had really worked through something.



I felt so much better, so much lighter after our EFT session on Thursday. What a strange and remarkable technique that is!
I'm being careful not to over-extend myself right now as something about this current collection of mind states seems tender and new, unfamiliar even.
I want to thank you again for working with me. I feel like a light has been shed on the amount of pain I've been trying to keep "under wraps." It's feeling like time now for me to honor it, and to be conscious of the many tactics I've employed to ignore it.
I appreciate your concern and the missives of light. I can feel their presence. You are such a kind and healing person! It's so good to know you.


Laurie Phillips is an artistic goddess and a muse for even the most recalcitrant visionary. Go. Do the Vision Card workshop now.



Even when I'm feeling stuck in the trenches, I still marvel that Laurie Phillips COMPLETELY changed my life's direction in under 1.5 yrs. Her coaching brought me from a state of pure jelly-like inertness to a powerful place of living my dream, and it only continues to get firmer, in a better, stronger, faster kind of way. If your life needs a new direction, I can't recommend her highly enough.



One of the most important lessons I learned in coaching was that challenges and struggles afford us the greatest opportunity for true learning and change, as well as invaluable opportunity for self-awareness.  Overall I learned that everything in our lives is inter-related and  issues that seem related to only a single area may have overarching influence in all areas of our lives and by addressing them, we enhance the whole of our lives.



With compassion and intelligent foresight, Laurie helped reshape and orient my thinking into what I could do with my talents that was satisfying.  Laurie and I came up with an entire smorgasbord of options that have been woven into my current profession combining healthcare and the arts.

