Laurie has closed her coaching business as of March 2020.
Please visit with her at

Laurie's client list includes:

Children's Hospital Minneapolis

Penny George Institute For Health And Healing at Abbott Northwestern Hospital 

Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Minnesota

Society Of Women Engineers

Minnesota Historical Society

Feng Shui Institute Of The Midwest

Adler School Of Coaching

State Of Minnesota Work Force Center

The Woman’s Club Of Minneapolis

Struthers Parkinson’s Center

University of St. Thomas 

Multicultural Forum/Career Fair

Metamorphosis Center

Minnesota Women Lawyers

Who’s Laurie? 

I am an ambitious, productive, visionary coach, artist and healer. I am also a fearful procrastinator whose first impulse is to hide under the covers with a package of Oreos. I’ve had to use many tools to move forward in my own life, and one of the best is coaching. I became a coach so I could pass along what worked for me.

Here's what I'm brilliant at: seeing your gifts and helping you release the stressful blocks standing in the way of those gifts being lived powerfully in the world. I have many success stories and enthusiastic clients to prove it.

My own path has been twisty. It's "taken a village" to help me connect my life purpose to how I earn a living, so I have lots of compassion for my clients who experience confusion and paralysis.

I graduated from University of Colorado with a fine arts degree, moved to San Francisco and started working as a graphic designer. Eight years later I moved to Minneapolis with my first husband so he could go to graduate school. His chronic alcoholism eventually led to his death. My own use of alcohol and food got out of control and I ended up in several recovery programs. Part of my recovery involved mentoring others and I discovered that I was really good at it. That was 33 years ago.

When coaching emerged as a profession in the 1990s, I took some training so I could become a better mentor. I fell in love with the work and the community. That was 24 years ago. 

15 years ago I started using a tool called Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) meridian tapping and experienced startling results in both myself and my clients. I continue to use it often.

I also helped start a workshop called Vision Cards — a method of finding a vision for your life, making visual reminder cards, and using them on a daily basis for 30 seconds of inspiration. I used the Vision Cards to get out of debt, marry my second husband, and find our house. Many of my 500+ cards have come true because of using the Cards daily and letting them shift how I feel about myself and the rest of the world.

My latest creation is Museum Sage — blending life coaching with art appreciation, and lots of social fun at the museum or online.



I'm a stress relief coach who has helped many people move through a crisis in their career, health or relationships. I received my certificate in Coaching in 1998 from the International Coach Federation-accredited Coaches Training Institute.

I'm  a trained EFT practitioner with the organization created by the founder of EFT, Gary Craig, under the mentorship of Dawson Church, PhD.

I taught at the Penny George Center for Health and Healing at Abbott Northwestern Hospital for 2 years, at Blue Cross University for 9 years, at Adler School of Coaching for 3 years, and I've led workshops at many other institutions both locally and internationally

Utne Reader magazine and Experience Life magazine have interviewed me for articles on the topic of self care.

I've earned grants and commissions for my fine art from the Weisman Art Museum, the Ordway Center for Performing Arts, the Jerome Foundation, and the Minnesota State Arts Board. I live in St. Paul with my husband, writer and performance artist Jon Spayde, and two acrobatic, adorable black cats.

On a pain scale of zero to ten my hip pain went from an eight to a zero. And it's held for a month except for small twinges that I can take care of by using EFT myself. The effect my emotions have on my physical well being is amazing. It's equally amazing to know that it's possible to bring healing to myself with my own words and gentle tapping. Laurie, your work helping others to heal themselves is greatly appreciated.